Sleep is a very important part of human life. It is so important that a person can spend longer days without food and water but not sleep. Sleep deprivation has been used as a form of torture in some country’s prisons.
Is a regular, recurrent, easily reversible state that is characterized by relative quiescence and a great increase in the threshold of response to external stimuli relative to waking state. It is different from comma and death for the fact that it can be rapidly reversed.

Some of the functions of sleep include:
v Very important for brain function; sleep helps to improve memory and learning, increased attention and creativity and in decision making. It helps to clear toxins that accumulate in brain throughout normal daily activities.
Lack of sleep could lead to depression, suicide, risk taking behaviours, psychosis, difficulty making decisions and problem solving, controlling emotions and coping with change.
v Very important for physical health: Sleep helps in healing and repair of body cells. Maintains body’s balance of hormones e.g. insulin (regulations blood sugar change) and inadequate sleep can result in increased blood glucose level. The immune system needs good and quality sleep to function.
Deficiency of sleep can lead to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, kidney disease, diabetes, difficulty fighting infections.
v Sleep is a strong predator of productivity during the day.

Generally speaking most healthy adults need seven hours of sleep at night to function properly. However some may function satisfactorily with 6 hours.

Insomnia is a disorder of sleep in which there is difficulty falling and/or staying asleep.
In insomnia, one or more of the following symptoms are usually present:
v Difficulty falling asleep.
v Waking up often during the night and having difficulty going back to sleep.
v Waking up too early in the morning (many hours before a person’s usual waking time).
v Feeling tired upon waking (unrefreshed in the morning), day time sleepiness, irritability, problems with memory and concentration, etc.

1. Primary Insomnia: Here sleep problems are not directly associated with (as a result of) any other health condition or problem.
2. Secondary Insomnia: Sleep problems are directly associated with a known case e.g. a medical condition like High Blood Pressure, pain, side effect of medications, psychological stress, shift work, etc.
Insomnia can also be:
a. Acute: Short term, from one night to a few weeks. This form is quite common and usually not a case for concern.
b. Chronic: This type lasts for at least 3 nights a week for at least one month or longer. This type of Insomnia needs medical attention.
Below are useful treatments/help for Insomnia:

1. Good sleep habits (sleep hygiene)
Sleep hygiene is the recommended behavioral and environmental practice which is intended to promote better quality sleep.
It includes:
v Making the bedroom comfortable, dark, quiet and correct temperature (not too cold and not too hot).
v Avoid using the bed for anything other than sleep or sex (for married couples only). Activities such as operating computers, games, etc. should be carried out of the room.
v Try to go to sleep at the same time each night and get up the same time each morning.
v Try to avoid taking naps during the day.
v Avoid caffeine or any other stimulant late in the day.
v Regular exercise but not close to bedtime as it may stimulate and make sleep difficult.
v If one cannot sleep after about 20 minutes on bed, it is advised to leave the bedroom and go and do some other relaxing activities and return back to bed only when tired.
v Minimizing the time spent thinking about anything emotionally, disturbing or worrying shortly before bedtime. It would be better to quit such matter now and attend to them in the morning. The Bible says sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

2. Use of sedative (sleeping tablets)
These medications are generally being abused and are used in large doses. They should only be used after prescription by a medical personnel. This is because they can lead to:
v Dependence – one cannot sleep without them.
v Tolerance – one may need to keep increasing the dose to achieve desired result.
v Reband Insomnia – Insomnia (difficulty sleeping) gets worse when these medications are stopped.

In conclusion, God in His infinite mercies gave us night in order for us to rest and sleep. He also gives his beloved good sleep. Sleep is very vital for our total wellbeing (mentally and physically). If a person is to deprive him/herself from sleep it should not be for prolonged periods as this will likely be injurious to such a person’s health.
Feel free to discuss any sleep problems you may be experiencing with a medical personnel. Avoid over the counter sedatives.
Thank you and God bless.